Lisburn optician backs Awareness Week

As part of Brain Tumour Awareness Week, which runs until November 2, Specsavers Lisburn is urging everyone to ensure they have regular eye tests as they can check for more than just your vision.

Having your eyes tested does not just check for changes in vision but can help prevent sight loss through early detection of conditions and even spot other health concerns such as brain tumours or problems with your circulation, high blood pressure and diabetes.

Jill Campbell, Specsavers clinical spokesperson, said: “Many people don’t realise that a sight test can check for more than just your vision and that it can pick up other health concerns, such as high blood pressure, diabetes and brain tumours.

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“In fact only 61% of people are aware that an optician can detect some types of brain tumours.

“That is why ensuring you have regular eye checks – at least once every two years or more often if recommended by your optician – is so important.”