IS THERE someone living in our community who deserves the title Person to be Proud of?

The Lurgan Mail wants your nominations for someone inspirational from our own community who we all look up to and admire.

We want to recognise someone who has stood out among us - who has championed our causes and helped us get through 2011.

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There are so many great people in our society and the Lurgan Mail feels it is time to honour them and recognise them as the special people they are.

Therefore we have launched a new award - The Lurgan Mail Person to be Proud Of - to pay tribute to those who have made a huge contribution to our society. Do you know someone who helps to make Lurgan, it’s surrounding villages or central Craigavon special?

Is there an individual, a volunteer, local personality or someone else who deserves recognition for their achievements or for the community spirit they have shown?

If you do, we want you to contact us as we draw up our short-list for the inaugural Lurgan Mail Person To Be Proud Of award.

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This week we have focused on charity worker Kevin McLaughlin, Lurgan Lions Club stalwart Joe Kerr, Lurgan Gateway Club’s Valerie Robinson and Scout leader as well as fundraiser, Ray McLeod. Also nominated this week is martial arts instructor Neill Martin who has a gym in Kitchen Hill. Neil has been working hard with kids over the years and has been sponsoring some under privileged children so they can continue training.

Lurgan Mail editor Clint Aiken said, “There are many people who, over the years, have made this area very proud of what they have achieved. During 2011 this tradition was continued by a number of people.

“Our Person To Be Proud Of award is about recognising the people who work hard on the ground to improve life in their own communities.

“In short, we want your opinion on the person who made Lurgan or Craigavon most proud in 2011. With your help we are drawing up a short-list of names and our readers will get the final say on the winner when the full list is published later this month.”

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