Traffic calming scheme hailed

Sinn Féin Councillor Ciarán Archibald has praised the work of Road Services, Coleraine Borough Council and the PSNI Traffic Branch for the implementation of a new road traffic calming scheme in the Killowen area of Coleraine including Somerset Drive, Laurel Avenue and Castle Place.

Councillor Archibald said: “Councillor Archibald said, “I was approached by a number of residents after a child had been knocked down on Somerset Drive in 2011.

“They wanted to know if Road Services could do anything to slow down passing cars. I raised the issue with Road Services who were very helpful. Recommendations were brought before Council and although it has taken some time for the funding to become available, the work has now proceeded and is near completion. I’m very pleased with the scheme that has been introduced and I’m sure the residents will agree that it has been worth waiting on.”

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