Flahavan’s Porridge fuels local runners

Southern Girls Race from left are Erin Crummie from St Patricks PS, Crossmaglen (3rd), Emma McEntee from Moira PS (1st) and Annie Rice from Christian Brothers PS (2nd)Southern Girls Race from left are Erin Crummie from St Patricks PS, Crossmaglen (3rd), Emma McEntee from Moira PS (1st) and Annie Rice from Christian Brothers PS (2nd)
Southern Girls Race from left are Erin Crummie from St Patricks PS, Crossmaglen (3rd), Emma McEntee from Moira PS (1st) and Annie Rice from Christian Brothers PS (2nd)
Young athletes, Erin Crummie from St. Patrick’s Primary School, Crossmaglen, Lola Brown from Ballydown Primary School, Emma McEntee, Sam Green and Oliver Lightbody from Moira Primary School, Tom Donaldson, Issac McIlwaine and Kayli-Ann Clayton from Tandragee Primary School, Charlie White from Rowandale Primary School, Luc Le Blanc from St Patricks Primary School, Newry, Annie Rich from Christian Brothers Primary School, and Leah Balfour from Kings Park Primary School were among 2293 pupils aged between 9 and 12 years who were out in force for the first round of this year’s Flahavan’s Athletics NI Primary School Cross Country League.

With races taking place at Lurgan Park, Oliver Lightbody and Issac McIlwaine both finished first in their respective boys’ races. Sam Green and Tom Donaldson finished second, with Luc Le Blanc and Charlie White finishing third.

Emma McEntee and Lola Brown finished first in their respective girls’ races. Annie Rice and Kayli-Ann Clayton finished in second place, with Erin Crummie and Leah Balfour coming in third.

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The league was launched last month by Flahavan’s ambassador and para-athlete, James Hamilton. Olympian, and 2018 European Championships athlete, Kerry O’Flaherty, will also return as a Flahavan’s ambassador for the League.

Southern Boys Race from left are Sam Green from Moira PS (2nd), Oliver Lightbody from Moira PS (1st) and Luc Le Blanc from St Patricks PS, Newry (3rd)Southern Boys Race from left are Sam Green from Moira PS (2nd), Oliver Lightbody from Moira PS (1st) and Luc Le Blanc from St Patricks PS, Newry (3rd)
Southern Boys Race from left are Sam Green from Moira PS (2nd), Oliver Lightbody from Moira PS (1st) and Luc Le Blanc from St Patricks PS, Newry (3rd)

As the official 2019/20 ambassadors, Kerry and James will help inspire and educate the young runners taking part in the competition this year - from passing on expert training tips to sharing the importance of a healthy diet and visiting participating primary schools.

Following on from the successful introduction last year of a new format for the League, runners will compete in one of two regional rounds – each taking place over a week in October and November. Qualifying runners will then be invited to take part in the final due to be held on January 22 2020.

Following the final, the top 20 girls and top 20 boys will be invited to join the Flahavan’s Athletics Northern Ireland Junior Endurance Squad, which will include participating in nine training sessions over 12 months to support the personal development of the talented young athletes.

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For information contact the Athletics NI office on info@athleticsni.org or 028 9060 2707.

To learn more about Flahavan’s full range of products, and how you can fuel your run with tasty recipes, follow @FlahavansIRL on Twitter, or @Flahavans on Facebook and Instagram.

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